Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Minotaur Half Man, Half Bull Monster of Greek Mythology

The Minotaur is an iconic half-man, half-bull character in Greek mythology. The offspring of King Minos wife Pasiphae and a beautiful bull, the beast was beloved by its mother and hidden away by Minos in a labyrinth built by the magician Daedalus, where it fed on young men and women.   Fast Facts: The Minotaur, Monster of Greek Mythology Alternate Names: Minotaurus, Asterios or AsterionCulture/Country: Greece, pre-Minoan CreteRealms and Powers: The LabyrinthFamily: Son of Pasiphae (immortal daughter of Helios), and a beautiful divine bullPrimary Sources: Hesiod, Apollodorus of Athens, Aeschylus, Plutarch, Ovid The Minotaur in Greek Mythology The story of the Minotaur is ancient Cretan, a tale of jealousy and bestiality, of divine hunger and human sacrifice. The Minotaur is one of the tales of the hero Theseus, who was saved from the monster by means of a ball of yarn; it is also a tale of Daedalus, the magician. The story harbors three references to bulls, which is a subject of academic curiosity. Appearance and Reputation   Depending on what source you use, the Minotaur was a monster with a human body and a bulls head or a bulls body with a human head. The classical form, human body and bulls head, is most often found illustrated on Greek vases and later works of art.   Theseus and the Minotaur. Oil on canvas by Charles-Edouard Chaise (1759-1798). Ca. 1791. Strasbourg, Musà ©e des Beaux Arts. adoc-photos / Corbis / Getty Images The Origin of the Minotaur Minos was one of three sons of Zeus and Europa. When he eventually left her, Zeus married her off to Asterios, the king of Crete. When Asterios died, Zeus three sons battled for the throne of Crete, and Minos won. To prove he was worthy of the rule of Crete, he made a deal with Poseidon, the king of the sea. If Poseidon would give him a beautiful bull each year, Minos would sacrifice the bull and the people of Greece would know he was the rightful king of Crete. But one year, Poseidon sent Minos such a beautiful bull that Minos couldnt bear to kill him, so he substituted a bull from his own herd. In a rage, Poseidon made Minos wife Pasiphae, the daughter of the sun god Helios, develop a great passion for the beautiful bull.   Desperate to consummate her ardor, Pasiphae asked for help from Daedalus (Daidalos), a famous Athenian sorcerer and scientist who was hiding out on Crete. Daedalus built her a wooden cow covered with cowhide and instructed her to take the cow near the bull and hide inside it. The child born of Pasiphaes passion was Asterion or Asterios, more famously known as the Minotaur. Keeping the Minotaur The Minotaur was monstrous, so Minos had Daedalus build an enormous maze called the Labyrinth to keep him hidden away. After Minos went to war with the Athenians he forced them to send seven youths and seven maidens each year (or once every nine years) to be led into the Labyrinth where the Minotaur would tear them to pieces and eat them.   Theseus was the son of Aegeus, the king of Athens (or perhaps a son of Poseidon), and he either volunteered, was chosen by lot, or was chosen by Minos to be among the third set of young people sent to the Minotaur. Theseus promised his father that if he survived a battle with the Minotaur, he would change the sails of his ship from black to white on the return trip. Theseus sailed to Crete, where he met Ariadne, one of Minos daughters, and she and Daedalus found a way to get Theseus back out of the Labyrinth: he would bring a ball of yarn, tie one end to the door of the great maze and, once he had killed the Minotaur, he would follow the thread back to the door. For her help, Theseus promised to marry her.   Death of the Minotaur Theseus did kill the Minotaur, and he led Ariadne and the other youths and maidens out and down to the harbor where the ship was waiting. On the way home, they stopped at Naxos, where Theseus abandoned Ariadne, because a) he was in love with somebody else; or b) he was a heartless jerk; or c) Dionysos wanted Ariadne as his wife, and Athena or Hermes appeared to Theseus in a dream to let him know; or d) Dionysus carried her away while Theseus slept.   And of course, Theseus failed to change the sails of his ship, and when his father Ageus glimpsed the black sails, he threw himself off the Acropolis—or into the sea, which was named in his honor, the Aegean. The Minotaur in Modern Culture   The Minotaur is one of the most evocative of Greek myths, and in modern culture, the story has been told by painters (such as Picasso, who illustrated himself as the Minotaur); poets (Ted Hughes, Jorge Luis Borges, Dante); and filmmakers (Jonathan Englishs Minotaur and Christopher Nolans Inception). It is a symbol of unconscious impulses, a creature that can see in the dark but is blinded by natural light, the result of unnatural passions and erotic fantasies.   A visitor walks past the Minotauro bebiendo con una muchacha (Minotaur drinking with a girl) by artist Pablo Picasso. The Antioquia Museum in Medellin, Colombia. RAUL ARBOLEDA / AFP / Getty Images Sources Frazier-Yoder, Amy. The Incessant Return of the Minotaur: Jorge Luis Borgess La Casa de Asterià ³n and Julio Cortà ¡zars Los Reyes. Variaciones Borges 34 (2012): 85–102. Print.Gadon, Elinor W. Picasso and the Minotaur. India International Centre Quarterly 30.1 (2003): 20–29. Print.Hard, Robin. The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology. London: Routledge, 2003. Print.Lang, A. Method and Minotaur. Folklore 21.2 (1910): 132–46. Print.Smith, William, and G.E. Marindon, eds. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. London: John Murray, 1904. Print.Webster, T. B. L. The Myth of Ariadne from Homer to Catullus. Greece Rome 13.1 (1966): 22–31. Print.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Success Of The American Revolution - 1140 Words

â€Å"It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.† From the beginning of time all organisms have been completing and it has been survival of the fittest. From the founding of Jamestown, Britain was evolving to survive as an empire by establishing colonies that were abused. This lead to The American Revolution which was inevitably arisen from three major problems: power, glory, and greed. These problems were express through many methods such as taxation, war and laws. Since 1660 British Parliament had controlled continental trade and taxes in imports and exports. Parliament was supposed to be the â€Å"sanctuary of liberty† but many colonies disagreed, because they absolutely had no say in Parliament. The British Empire and representatives saw the entire empire as unequal parts of a system that was all under the rule of the English Parliament. The English Bill of Rights of 1689 had forbidden any imposition of taxes without the consent of Parliament. They realized that the empire as a whole would fail if they surrendered the power of taxation to colonies and since the colonists had no representation in Parliament, the taxes actually violated the guaranteed Rights of Englishmen. Colonists were soon to realize that Parliament had no right to impose and revenue legitimately through the colonies. Soon the colonies catchphrase was â€Å"no taxation without representation. This lead to a petition in 1768 sent by the Virginia’s houseShow M oreRelatedThe Success Of The American Revolution1304 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican Revolution not only created freedom but also created technological geniuses. The American Revolution was a time period of warfare, for independence between Britain and the thirteen colonies, but it was also the breakthrough for technological advancements that would change American’s life forever. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Business Report - IT Management

Question: What is E-business? and also describe about the following: Management process and plan for IS system Challenges associated with the system Problem associated with the emerging technology Benefits associated with the e-commerce methods Answer: Introduction Companies work towards growth and achieving an edge on the competitive global market. For this, the management has to be considering the challenges involved with the operational activities, tactical factors, and strategic process. Such factors need planning as it will help in achieving progress in the competitive market. Apart from collecting information about the market condition and the preferences of the customers, it is essential to draft policies for implementing an effective information system. Almost every company carry out the operational activities through online method. This is called as e-business, wherein the organization attempts to approach maximum number of clients from different parts of the globe. The method selected for applying the information system needs to be well planned as it will help in acquiring the target set by the company. This is one of the reasons many company work towards gathering the required information through which the best information system can be applied for carrying out the operational activities. Management information system or MIS helps the experts of the company to draft and implement the right type of strategies through which the issues can be handled in the right manner (Chan, 2000). Term e-business E-business is a method through which the best applications for the business information and communication technology can be adopted. This is done to plan and execute the business operational activities in the best possible manner. Through this process, it is possible to share maximum information about the products and services that has been rendered by the company to the clients. Such a process enables the company to analyse the external factors or activities, and draft plans to develop positive relationship with the clients, stakeholders, and others who are associated with the organisation. Business promotional activities are carried out through online method. This is one of the best and most effective methods, as the company dont have to worry about incurring huge promotional expenses. Marketing process can be easily carried out through online process. The benefits associated with this process, cannot be overlooked by the management of the company. With the help of e-commerce metho d for business, it is possible by the company to improve the value chain process. Apart from this, the management can plan and implement the best strategies for exchanging of goods, services, funds, and most importantly information about the clients and the rival companies. Through this process, the companies attempt to reach out to maximum number of clients, and analyse their needs and preferences. This is one of the most important factors that are required for successful carrying out the business activities. Product development process can be improved by the company, as the necessary information for the same can be gathered and analysed by the management in the right manner. E-commerce process enables the companies to develop and implement an effective marketing strategy through which maximum number of clients from various market places can be approached (Cooper Schindler, 2008). Management process and plan for IS system The success of the business depends upon the plan drafted for implementing the IS system, within the company. Strategies for IS has been drafted and implemented as per the requirement of the company. In this process, some of the management even reconsider to reorganize the business process, through which the activities could be carried out in the right manner. IS system has to be developed and implemented as per the Information technology process that has been adopted by the company. The strategies are developed and implemented for improving the performance of the company. In this process, the expectations of the company is analysed, and the same is related with the future goals. Different tasks like analysing the customer needs, changing market trends, fluctuations in the price and others can be easily carried out through the implementation of an effective management system. In this case, it is necessary to analyse the challenges that are involved with the implementation of the proc ess. This will help the management in acquiring the desired results, without incurring high operational expenses. The strategies adopted should enable the company in carrying out the below mentioned functions Improve the effectiveness of the IT system adopted and implemented by the company Develop an effective strategy through which the preface can be improved Analyse the requirements of the company in terms of online trading and handling the challenges that are associated with handling the supply chain management system (Das, 2012). Challenges associated with the system Implementing an effective IS system within the company is an expensive affair. Thus, it is recommended to analyse the challenges that are involved with the process. Introducing an effective IT system can impact the way the business has been performed. The need for introducing an effective and workable IT system has become imperative for every organization, regardless of the size and the operational activities carried out. The system is meant to support the organizational strategy which is quite an important factor that would contribute towards the business success. Through the implementation of an effective MIS, the management can effectively carry out the below mentioned factors Implement the right type of plan Introduce the best acquisition plan (Davies, 2009). Implement the right type of strategies that would benefit the company. There is always a possibility of the proposed system to fail. In this case, the management of the company needs to plan and implement the right type of strategies that would enable the company to carry on with the operational activities. The steps involved in the implementation process have to be planned and done in the right manner. This will enable the experts of the company to analyse the challenges involved in every steps and draft the best strategies through which the problem can be easily overpowered. Some of the issues that are associated with the strategies for implementing the steps include Analyse the requirements for introducing an MIS system Draft a plan for accomplishing the task analyse the changes or the benefits that would be derived by introducing the system Costs and time involved with the process of introducing the changes. The prime objective for introducing changes with the MIS or the IS system is to develop an effective approach through which the problem can be handled in the right manner For this, the list of obstacles needs to be drafted and implemented by the company in the right manner. This will help in successful implementation of the project and accomplish the task without losing much time on the same. The challenge lies with the awareness of the system that has been proposed to be adopted by the company. In this case, the challenges have to be analysed at each stages of implementation. This would reduce the negative impact of the system that has been proposed to be introduced by the management. Many companies believe in defining the factors that can increase the success rates at the time of implementing the system. This has been done to improve the possibilities of successful introduction of the MIS (Denzin, Lincoln, 2005). The success of the e-business depends upon the security measures that have been undertaken by the company. It is quite important to protect the company and its information from known and unknown threats. The security measures planned to be undertaken by the company is quite different than the ones that are followed for the traditional methods. Information shared between the clients or the suppliers and the company needs to be protected. For this, the management of the company has to ensure that the below mentioned tasks has been effectively carried out Authenticate the data shared between different members associated with the company Secure the customer information (Gargeya, Brady, 2005). Problem associated with the emerging technology The company has to deal with different types of information that can be used at the time of planning and implementation. It is quite important to adopt an effective strategy through which the changes related to the information can be used in the right manner. For this, the technology needs to efficient enough to analyse the reliable and useful information. This has to be done with an intention of improving the planning and implementation strategies that has been adopted by the company. In this method, it is essential to ensure that the collected data are not lost in transit. It is also essential to assure that the confidential information is not changed either partially or fully during transit from one department to another. For instance, the management strategy needs to be communicated with different departments. In this process, the system needs to be efficient enough, as this will prevent any wrong sharing of the details. For this, it is essential to implement an effective data in tegrity system, which will prohibit unauthorised users from accessing the important information. Apart from this, the e-business application method has to also help the users or the company to retrieve the lost data, which is one of the most important factors (Ghauri, Gronhaug, 2005). The other concern is adopting and implementing a system that would enable the company to store in the details of the transaction for longer period of time. For this, the business or the management has to adopt and implement an assuring strategy through which the clients information and other important details can be stored and retrieved whenever required by the management. This is basically done through the adoption of the digital signature method. Such a method will always validate the occurrence of the transaction. Besides this, such a process needs to be simple and effected for the users as this can be used for future business transactions (Goddard Melville, 2004). The other important aspect of the online or e-business transaction is share the right type of information. There is much important information that has to be shared between members of certain departments. Thus, the system that has been selected by the management has to be securing the details of the information and allow access of the same to the authorised person. Such an assurance is required for the managers, clients, and the stakeholders of the company. For this, the management can propose to introduce one or few of the below mentioned strategies Provide access privileges Introduce fireball system Introduce the user identification or the authentication methods (it includes password access, digital certificates, and others. VPN or the virtual password network method (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2004). The selection of the system needs to be done after analysing the needs and preferences of the company. Besides this, it is also necessary to analyse the process through which such a change can be implemented by the company. This is one of the most important and required steps that would contribute towards the successful business conduct. Benefits associated with the e-commerce methods There are quite a few features about e-business methods and the applications that have been used by the management. Few of them has been mentioned below 1. Cost effective - with the help of the application it is possible to make the changes in the business performance in a cost effective manner. this will help the management in acquiring the set target, without losing much time on the same 2. Introduce effective marketing plan - The success of the company depends upon the type of marketing plan that has been introduced by the management. In this process, the company needs to analyse the best methods through which the clients can be approached (Hevner et al., 2004). Conclusion The challenges involved with the implementation of the IT system has to be analysed. This will help the management in selecting the best option that would cater the needs of the company. There are many benefits associated with the process of implementing the steps that are involved with the strategies for IT system. It has to be analysed and corrective steps needs to be introduced. This will help the company in accomplishing the task, and improve the performance. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Macbeths Conflicts Essays - American Folklore, Betsy Ross

Macbeth's Conflicts Betsy Ross lived from 1752 to 1836. She was born to Elizabeth Griscom in Philadelphia. In 1773 she ran away with John Ross to get married. But her husband died three years after they got married so Betsy took over his upholstery business. In 1777 there was a great revolt between colonies, which was called the Boston Tea Party. Since her job was a seamstress at her former husband's upholstery business, it was tradition that George Washington call on her to ask her to design and sew a national flag. After asking if she could make couple of changes on Washington's original design she began to sew the famous American flag. After all this happened Betsy married a shipmate, Joseph Ashburn and they had two children. He died in prison after the British during the American Revolution captured his boat. A year after he died she married John Claypoole who shared a prison cell with her former husband. They had five daughters. In 1817, which is when Claypoole died, Betsy went to go live with her sister in Philadelphia. Betsy Ross lived a very interesting life and is very famous because she hand sewed the American Flag! Bibliography encarta 2000 Shakespeare